The Aude Danieli’s PhD in sociology studies the socio-technical phenomena of the smart electricity meters. With an approach based on “Science and Technology Studies” (STS), since 2013 she explores the socio-technical design and practices that shape the electricity infrastructure from laboratories to experiments. The research focuses on the design and maintenance of the electrical device and the crontroversies, technically speaking. The PhD is linked to the Laboratory Territories, Societies, Techniques (UPEM / CNRS/ENPC), in partnership with the Research Group on Energy Technology Company EDF Lab.
Communication : A social survey of a controversial smart electricity meter. Or the approach of social tensions between design issues and uses issues.
Thibault DANTEUR
Thibault Danteur is a postdoctoral fellow at the Universtity of Versailles Saint Quentin, in the Yvelines, France. His PhD was in sociology about economic and cultural globalization, focusing on hybridization processes in globalized industries such as retail stores firms or tourism. His current research aim to study the diffusion of ecological innovations. As a specialist of field inquiries, he applies various mixt methods, both quantitative and qualitative, to study representations and socio-economical issues linked to the cultural resistances and levers to the adoption of eco-mobility. In the context of his postdoctoral fellowship, his work is led in partnership with several institutional and industrial actors (ADEME, Renault, Bouygues, Alstom).
Communication : Energy efficiency in enterprises: what feelings from employees?
Frédéric de Coninck is engineer of Ponts et Chaussées and he supervises research in sociology since 1994. Member of LVMT, he is also the scientific coordinator of LABEX Urban Future. His research focuses on urban lifestyles, uses of space, time and information and communication technologies and organization of services.
De Coninck, Frédéric (2010), « L’achat en ligne, un nouveau rapport à l’espace de la consommation », Sociologies Pratiques, n° 20.
De Coninck, F., Belton, L., Eleb, M. (2008), « L’évolution des usages de la ville et de l’habitat, Introduction », dans Frédéric de Coninck et José-Frédéric Deroubaix, dir., Ville éphémère, Ville durable, Nouveaux usages, nouveaux pouvoirs, L’œil d’or.
Communication : Uses of energy and mobility: a study of residential lifestyles./p>
Franck DEBOS
Lecturer in the CIS I.U.T. Nice Côte d’Azur, it combines conceptual and operational thinking. His areas of research and teaching concern the responsible communication and digital organizations, social responsibility of business and the analysis of consumer uses. Author of several articles and parts of collective works in the fields of digital communication and responsible company.
Publications récentes:
DEBOS Franck, BOUATTOUR Dorra, ABDELLATIF Tarek, « Satisfaction of cybernautes in virtual communities: An integrated model of experiential value. » Revue: International Journal of Economic Practices and Theories (IJPET), 2014.
DEBOS Franck, DECORME Régis, CARNEVALE Fabio, “Co-design of a technological solution for the promotion of eco-responsible behaviors in family homes”, ICCCBE2014, Orlando, 23-25 juin 2014.
Communication : Lighting practices of users in terms of energy consumption in an innovative by setting up a system co-design technology context: the case of Ecofamilies project.
Victor De Carvalh ois designer and sensory expert. Since 3 years, he works in the RCP agency and pilots design projects that focus on energy associated with usage problems to provide assistance with the design. Currently, he collaborates on the following research programs: Rupella-Reha (a pioneering AMI / ADEME project to rehabilitate social housing on occupied site in La Rochelle. The objective is to achieve tenant satisfaction and results in energy performance).
Communication : Rehabilitate social housing on occupied site: project approach for a result that combines tenant satisfaction and energy performance.
Stéphanie Dechezelles is a Lecturer in Political science at the Institut d’Études Politiques d’Aix-en-Provence, researcher at the CHERPA (EA 4261) and associate researcher at the CNRS laboratory LAMES (UMR 7305). After her researches about youth involvement in right and extreme right wing political parties in Italy in her PhD (2007), she is now developing a political sociology of the localized contentious windfarms in a comparative way (subnational and international levels). Among her publications on this topic : “La représentation dans la rue. Analyse comparée de mobilisations d’élus locaux”, avec Maurice Olive, in A.Mazeaud (dir.), Les pratiques de la représentation politique, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, [à paraître, fin 2014]
“Des chiffres et du vent. Expertises institutionnelles, marchandes et citoyennes dans les politiques locales de l’éolien”, in M.Mespoulet (dir.), Les chiffres dans l’action publique territoriale, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, [à paraître, fin 2014].
Communication : Beyond Nimby: justification registers and logics of the mobilizations against wind farms projects. Case studies from the Aude and Ariège departments (France).
Marie Dégremont-Dorville is a PhD student from the CSO, and my research is focused on institutional change related to the current energy transitions. My PhD advisors are Olivier Borraz and Patrick Le Lidec (CEE). This work follows a research thesis on the same topics, and I teach energy policies at Sciences Po Paris.
Communication : Bottom-up decentralization of energy policy: how local governments try to extend their leverage on public policies.
Amina Derradji is preparing PHD in The National Graduate School of Political Science, Master degreein Public Policy (topic of the Memoir: Policy of Development of the renewable energies in Algeria: Challenges and Issues), Holder of license degree in Law from Algiers University.
Communication : Energetic Transition In Algeria : Myth or Reality?
Gilles Desèvedavy holds an architecture PHD. As an architect, researcher and teacher in architecture school since 2004, he joined Arbor&sens and contributes to develop prospective branch [Ad’minima] with currents members.
Publication : Vers un immeuble durable … et aimé ?, Rapport Final, Programme Interdisciplinaire de Recherche « Art Architecture et Paysage » Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication DAPA Bureau de la Recherche Architecturale et Paysagère. Desèvedavy G., 2008.
Communication : user’s feedback on low consumption housing./p>
Mathieu Durand-Daubin has a degree in applied statistics. He holds a researcher position at EDF R&D, in the GRETS team dedicated to social science. His research focuses on modeling households energy consumptions diversity and evolutions, and relies on mixing complementary methods (qualitative and quantitative surveys, monitoring). This work involves several academic research partnerships, on a lifestyle approach of the French home and travel energy consumption with the EPFL Urban Sociology Laboratory (Lasur), on a social practice approach of energy consumption with the DEMAND Centre (Lancaster), or on the British heating demand with the UCL Energy Institute (London).
Communication : From residential location to energy consumptions in the house and through mobility.
Stéphane DUPAS
Stéphane Dupas (male, born 1978) joined Energy Cities in 2009 as Project Manager. As Energy Cities’ IMAGINE initiative coordinator, Stéphane has been working on facilitating exchange of experience in the field of local sustainable energy policies between European local authorities. He mainly has worked on multilevel governance issues and involvement of local stakeholders within urban development.
He has previous experience in managing transnational projects in an academic context as well as experience in regional environmental politics.
He has a social sciences education background in Environmental Governance (MSc) and in Urban and regional planning (MSc). He speaks French, English and German.
Communication : City and Energy – a dialogue to be developed between local authorities and local stakeholders
Laure Dobigny is Junior Lecturer in socio-anthropology at the CETCOPRA, Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University. Her current research interests are socio-anthropology of energy (renewable energy, rehabilitation) and technology.
Publications :
Dobigny L., 2012. « Produire et échanger localement son énergie. Dynamiques et solidarités à l’œuvre dans les communes rurales », in Papy F., Mathieu N. et Ferault C. (dirs), Nouveaux rapports à la nature dans les campagnes, éd. Quae, p. 139-152.
DOBIGNY L., 2012. « Absence de représentations ou Représentation d’une absence ? Pour une socio-anthropologie de l’énergie », in Poirot-Delpech S., Raineau L. (dirs), Pour une socio-anthropologie de l’environnement, L’Harmattan, p. 149-164.
Communication : Weight of the Past, Future Challenges: Temporalities of Environmental Action in a Former Mining Town (Pas-de-Calais, France).
Annie Dorange, designer and sensory expert
Education: DSAA interior design and creation of models, Ecole Boulle Paris
Annie Dorange has been managing and designing all of RCP’s design projects for the last 20 years. She contributes expertise and experience to the development of public transport projects.
She develops, in collaboration with the Centre for Studies and Research on Sensory Technologies, a use- and comfort-oriented approach on design of products and services.
Currently, she collaborates to the following research programs:
TIPEE: a technological platform dedicated to renovation of buildings
Ruppela Reha: a pioneer AMI / ADEME rehabilitation project in occupied buildings, a holistic approach with an aim at energy efficiency,
CND: a global approach to perceptive product differentiation of ALSTOM’s “railway equipment”.
Communication : Successful energy rehabilitation: key factors for a good perception of its occupants .
Agathe DOUCHET is a sociologist. She participates in works of studies and researches in the field of the housing environment and of the sustainable development (energy, biodiversity, mobility). Précarité énergétique en Nord-Pas-de Calais : précarité dans l’habitat et vulnérabilité énergétique globale – PUCA, 2014, avec Hervé BARRY.
Communication 1 : Energy insecurity in Nord-Pas-de-Calais: insecurity at home and overall energy vulnerability – study financed by the French government organisation PUCA (Master Plans, Planning, Construction, Architecture).
Communication 2 : COMMOCLES : the role of mobility management in business and employee location choice.
Isabelle DROCHON
Isabelle DROCHON is Operational Pilot of the GrDF Smart Metering Project targeting 11 million dwellings in France. Isabelle is particularly in charge of relations with stakeholders and change management. For 20 years, Isabelle has worked in the world of energy at different levels of management and expertise. She participated in the management of large projects around the opening of energy markets to competition, particularly in the field of change management.
Communication : Energy reflexivity of consumers in the context of the French gas smart meter roll out plan.
Céline DROZD
Céline Drozd is an architect, PhD in architecture and assistant professor. The author belong to CERMA laboratory, UMR CNRS-MCC-ECN 1563 Architectural and Urban Ambiances/Atmospheres of the ENSA Nantes.
Communication 1: Survey methods in shopping areas: the flow of knowledge as a construct of the energy efficiency.
Communication 2 : La fabrique de l’expertise énergétique chez les auto-réhabilitateurs en milieu rural.
Mathieu Durand-Daubin has a degree in applied statistics. He holds a researcher position at EDF R&D, in the GRETS team dedicated to social science. His research focuses on modeling households energy consumptions diversity and evolutions, and relies on mixing complementary methods (qualitative and quantitative surveys, monitoring). This work involves several academic research partnerships with the EPFL Urban Sociology Laboratory, the DEMAND Centre (Lancaster), or the UCL Energy Institute (London).
Publication : Durand-Daubin, M. (2013), “Household activities through various lenses: crossing surveys, diaries and electric consumption“. UC Berkeley: Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference.
Communication 1 : The evening meal and electric peak demand in France : linking daily practices and energy consumption through the use of time use surveys.
Communication 2 : De la localisation résidentielle à la consommation énergétique dans le logement et la mobilité.
Léa Eynaud studied natural sciences and social sciences of the environment at Science Po Paris, Pierre et Marie Curie and the Freie Universität in Berlin. She has experience as a tutor in Sciences Po and did several internships within international institutions (United Nations Environment Program, IUCN) as well as in the research (Umr-Amure). Her PhD is financed by the French agency ADEME. It addresses the processes of urban re-appropriation of the commons in France and Germany. This research addresses four main arenas: research (both academic and non-academic), politics, law, as well as collective action. In the case of the latter, inquiry is led primarily on three sites: energy supply and/or production, urban agriculture and waste management.
Communication : The renewable energy cooperative and the commons: some elements of field inquiry.
Prof Suren Erkman is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Geosciences and the Environment at the University of Lausanne, where he leads the Industrial Ecology Group. Since the early 1990s, he has been actively involved in the emergence of the new field of industrial ecology, which studies the evolving dynamics of the industrial system as a whole. During the last decade, growing recognition has been given to the importance consumption processes, with perspectives that bridge social and environmental sciences. He has published books and journal articles in the area of industrial ecology, developing countries, resource efficiency, and his latest book, on energy transitions in Switzerland.
Communication : Addressing household electricity consumption in Switzerland: understanding social practices and uncovering norms and values.
researcher at TVES laboratory and lecturer, has worked for ten years on risk perception, especially on technological risks. Head of Social Sciences use program of a blend of natural gas and dihydrogen (bus fuel and home heating) in the North of France.
Publications :
Flanquart H., 2013, Le risque et les individus. Essai de sociologie cognitive et analytique de la perception des risques, application privilégiée aux risques territoriaux, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en sociologie, Université Paris-Diderot.
Flanquart H., Hellequin A.-P. and Vallet P., 2013, « Living alongside hazardous factories: risk, choice and necessity », Health, Risk & Society, vol.15, issue 8, p.663-680.
Flanquart H., 2012, « An unwelcome user ? Or how to negociate the use of a risky space », Journal of Risk Research, vol.15, p.1261-1279.
Communication : Faire rouler les autobus urbains au mélange de gaz naturel et hydrogène : quelle perception des usagers ?
Antoine Fontaine is a PhD student based in both PACTE (Grenoble) and CIRED (Nogent-s-Marne) laboratories. His work explores the contribution of renewable energy communities to the development of renewable energies.
Communication : Adding or substracting : the art of growing without destroying solar cooperative collectives.
Jean-Philippe FOUQUET
Jean-Philippe Fouquet has a PhD in Sociology and is a research engineer, co-director of the CETU ETIcS since its creation in 2007. He is a researcher associated with the laboratory CITERES (UMR-CNRS 7324) at the University François Rabelais of Tours. His first training was as a sociologist of work, he is very interested in the theme of changes, of practices and ways of life, notably in the context of re-compositions and/or legal injunctions linked to environmental and energy issues. Doing his research inside private, public, and professional spheres, he is interested in the social impacts of implementing transformations, the identification of factors favorable and unfavorable for acceptability, or, for the latter, the conditions needed to remove them.
Marika Frenette, manager, architect, and urban planner created her consulting firm dealing with environment, with a focus on both a global approach and the application of collaborative methods and collective intelligence.
Communication : « BBC for all » – a collaborative approach to design efficient buildings.